Schroth Method Therapy

Schroth Physical Therapy is a conservative approach tailored to patient’s specific spinal curvature to help them return to a more neutral spine.  This type of treatment is for patients of all ages and is beneficial for individuals in all stages of rehab whether that be pre surgical, post-surgical, or even for those individuals where surgery is not indicated. 


How does it help Scoliosis? 

Schroth Therapy focuses on elongation of the trunk while simultaneously performing exercises and corrective breathing techniques.  The corrective breathing techniques in combination with isometric muscle contractions help to de rotate the spine in a three-dimensional direction.  Many of the exercises are instructed to the patient with one on one, hands on tactile cueing as well as verbal cueing.  The exercises can be performed in many different positions to increase the level of difficulty.  By restoring muscular symmetry and postural control, patients learn to be more aware of their body position and can assume better alignment and improve pain.


Benefits of Schroth Therapy

  • Personalized program based on individual curve 

  • Improved breathing

  • Increased core strength

  • Decreased pain

  • Improved cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and pelvic alignment 

  • Improvements in movement patterns

  • Decreased tension along the spine

How long will I be in therapy for?

Your Schroth program will be based on your individual evaluation. Evaluation sessions are typically 1 hour and follow-up treatment sessions are 45 minutes. Treatment can range from 5 sessions up to 20 sessions. Continuation of your home exercise program is a lifetime commitment and is vital in order to maintain your postural correction. We do recommend re-evaluations every 2-3 months after you have been discharged from the program. Please speak to your therapist about when you should return.

What type of brace should I wear?

Please speak with your doctor or physical therapist regarding the best brace for your individual curve.

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